Sunday, July 13, 2014

Sleeping through the Night? Is this a Joke?

For about a week now, Jackson has been sleeping through the night (minus the occasional need for the plug).  My mom says that 7 months is about the time that my sisters and I started sleeping though the night, but I am still skeptical.  This isn't the first time that he has slept through the night.  Back when he was about 3 months old he started sleeping through the night, but then Alex left for a 2 week business trip in Haines, Alaska and Jackson got sick all on the same day.  Ever since, he hasn't slept through the night, that is until recently.  Not only has he been sleeping through the night, but he is going to sleep so much easier. I really hope this is not just a phase, but that it is here to stay.

The funny thing is, that I am still waking up at the normal times that he used to wake up.  I lean over and turn on the baby monitor (not sure what I am checking for, not like he will just get out of the crib on his own), then roll back over and try to get back to sleep. I admit that I am feeling much more refreshed than the previous 7 months of my life (and more if you count the "sleep" you get in pregnancy).  

By the way, I just love watching him sleep.  I recommend to all parents to invest in a video baby monitor.  I love that I can check on him without disturbing him.

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